
It has been said that all a company is, is it's people and in no business is that as much of a fact as in the business of mountain guiding and heli skiing. Our guides come from all over the world and are all personal friends of Jökull Bergmann. Friends that have shared many sunny days in the mountains as well as challenging and dangerous situations and that is how we know for a fact that they are among the best in the industry.

But not less important is the work of all the people behind the scenes and at the lodge, from pilots to chef's to the person waxing your skis. These are the people that truly make your trip, and also the people that you will remember and even become friends with during your stay. They are the true essence of the Arctic Heli Skiing family and a very big part of the reason why our guests return year after year.

Behind the Scenes
Lodge Team

In old Norse, our Viking language, Geir literally translates to Spear, and that is quite fitting as he certainly spearheads our entire operation as the CEO of Arctic Heli Skiing and Bergmenn Mountain Guides. With a strong background in youth ski racing Geir’s love of the snow is as strong as his excel skills! A jack of all trades you will find Geir at Klængshóll lodge, running the show during the season with his endless energy and enthusiasm but more importantly keeping the entire operation all tight all year round!

Quite possibly the most important person on our team and owner of Arctic Heli Skiing. Sunna is the person holding the purse, paying the bills and making sure that her dear husband Jökull Bergmann keeps at least one foot on the ground. A licensed Practical Nurse by trade Sunna now nurtures her family business and makes sure everyone, be it guests or members of the AHS team are well taken care of. Sunna loves skiing, mountainbiking and traveling the wilds of Iceland, all the while doing a pretty spectacular job of raising the three ski racing heirs to the operation.
Erin is our Director of Operations, Webmaster and head of Bookings to name a few of the hats that this multi talented native of Washington State wears here on the Troll Peninsula. Well known for her insistent attention to detail and organization Erin keeps our office humming with her endless energy, but any chance she gets she will be out there mountain running
biking or ski touring, leaving us all in the dust. Erin is also a CSGA Certified Level 1 Ski Guide and an overall high performance athlete, mother of two wonderful children and wife to our Chief of Guiding Operations Einar Ísfeld.

a.k.a. "Kiddi" is our Operations Manager and jack of all trades. With a degree in engineering and and a hefty ski racing resume including the 2002 Salt Lake Winter Olympic Games, we can pretty much guarantee that none of our guests will ski better than him. Kiddi is also a CSGA Level 1 ski guide and a native of the Troll Peninsula where he has skied his entire life. A father of three wonderful ski racing daughters, Kiddi will take very good care of you during your stay with us, making sure that your on or off the mountain well being is guaranteed.


As our Reservations and Lodging Manager, Bryndís will have you covered for all the details of your trip with us and if you are lucky enough you might just see her always smiling face at Klængshóll Lodge as she lives right next door in Skíðadalur. A talented singer, musician and a mother of two wonderful farm girls, Bryndís loves being out in nature, skiing and traveling the highlands of Iceland where she worked as a hut custodian back in the day. With a degree in tourism and her in depth knowledge about all things Icelandic you could not be in better hands.


As the former head master of the local school and our current Ground Operations Manager Kristján makes sure we all stay in line, helicopters get fuel and that the day to day operations go smoothly. With his encyclopedic knowledge of Icelandic history and pretty much everything else, a conversation with Kristján is most definitely something you should not miss out on during your time with us. A native of the valley, Kristján grew up herding sheep and running up and down the mountains of the Troll Peninsula when not busy training track and field or the local football club.


Sóla is our Massage Therapist. As a sports teacher in our local elementary school and a very talented track and field athlete back in the day, she now shares that experience with her students. A true powerhouse and mother of four great kids, Sóla still finds time to volunteer for the local touring club, building and maintaining the mountain huts on the Troll Peninsula as well as traveling the country with her family. Sóla is the sister of Kristján our Ground Ops Manager and Baddi our Master Carpenter.


Jökull is Iceland's first IFMGA Internationally certified mountain guide, the founder and owner of Arctic Heli Skiing. He is a member of the Association of Canadian Mountain Guides ACMG with whom he finished his certification. Jökull, or JB as most people call him has climbed and skied extensively all over the world, and lived and worked in both the European Alps and the mountains of Western Canada. He has brought this wealth of diverse experience to Iceland where he has to his name over one hundred first ascents and descents in Iceland and Greenland. JB's love of the mountains grew from an early age working as a shepherd on his grandparent's farm on the Troll Peninsula in Northern Iceland or maybe it had something to do with his name which in English would translate directly to Glacier Mountainman.  


Our French Canadian connection and veteran of 10 seasons or so in Iceland, Stephane has seen it all. An ACMG Ski Guide by trade with a couple of decades in BC under his belt, there are not many Ski Guides out there with more time on the mountain. Having now spent more time in the country than many Icelanders, Stephane has truly become an adoptive son to us here on the Troll Peninsula. When not on snow our man Stephane can be found deep in the woods of BC, chainsaw in hand like his Québécois ancestors before him, as his specialization is the glading and preparation of heli ski runs.

Einar Ísfeld
Einar Ísfeld

As our Guiding Operations Manager Einar makes sure that our team of guides is as good, safe and fun as they get. An AMGA certified Ski Guide, Einar's impressive resume includes numerous expeditions to all corners of the world and extensive work in mountain rescue. With his calm collective demeanor and impressive Viking stature you will instantly feel that no man could possibly be more qualified to lead you through the mountains of the Troll's. A father of two and one big dog, Einar lives in our local village Dalvík with his much better half Erin Jorgensen our Director of Operations.


Kirk is an ACMG Certified Ski Guide and spends his winters guiding skiers around the beautiful Coast Mountains of British Columbia with Whistler Heliskiing. With over ten seasons of guiding in the mountains of Iceland there are not many people out there with more in depth knowledge of the best skiing in the country. A great lover of music, Kirk has organized and hosted numerous music festivals and concerts but loves nothing more than spending the warm summers in his home region of Pemberton BC with his two adorable children and lovely wife. Kirk's love of the Icelandic mountains is as strong as his dedication and commitment to his guests, who return year after year to ski with him in the mountains of the Troll Peninsula.


Gregory has had one foot in Iceland and the other in his home the French Alps for the past quarter century or so. He is a French IFMGA Mountain guide and a member of the SNGM the French Mountain Guides Association. Gregory is responsible for all Bergmenn activities in the European Alps as well as guiding ski touring trips to all four corners of the world. Gregory holds a couple of degrees in Biology and splits his time between guiding and teaching. Gregory speaks fluent Icelandic after spending years in Iceland where he became best friends with Jökull Bergmann in their teenage years of climbing and skiing.


Known for being just about the nicest guy you will ever meet as well as the most motivated ski touring guide out there, you will surely enjoy Owen's company. He is an ACMG certified Ski Guide working winters in BC where he has tackled more long range ski traverses than most, and is as fit as they come. Canadian by birth but living in London UK Owen spends his off season working as a high rise roped access technician between forays to the limestone crags of southern Europe. Owen's love of Iceland grows stronger every year as does his vocabulary so expect him to teach you a word or two.


Icelandic born and bred Róbert spends his winters in BC working in the heli ski industry. Róbert is an ACMG certified Ski Guide as well as an instructor for the Canadian Avalanche Association. Great friends with Jökull Bergmann since the two of them completed their Mountain Rescue training some 20+ years ago the two have shared many big days in the mountains. Some of the other hats worn by this very talented man include being the President of the Icelandic Mountain Guides Association, a Registered Landscape Architect and a Graphic Designer. Róbert is in fact the creator of our beloved AHS Logo, father of two lovely Icelandic/Canadian princesses and as true an Icelander as you will ever meet.


The man, the myth, the legend. After climbing the notorious North Face of the Eiger at the age of 16 back in 1968 and completing the IFMGA Mountain Guide exam in his native Austria only a year later, Rudi became the youngest person in history to accomplish that combination. As one of the pioneering heli ski guides in Canada with CMH back in the early 70's Rudi has seen the industry evolve over 40 years as a guide as well as an examiner for the Association of Canadian Mountain Guides, where an entire generation of guides has enjoyed his mentoring and training. Rudi, now ''retired'' finds himself unable to stay away from his new favorite playground in the Troll Peninsula and for that we, and all our guests are extremely grateful.


a.k.a. "Freon" is an ACMG certified Ski Guide and well on his way to becoming Iceland's next IFMGA Mountain Guide. Freon resides in Revelstoke BC where he works in the heli ski industry during the winters. Come spring, Freon makes his way back over the ocean to his fabled homeland and guides with his old friend Jökull on the Troll Peninsula. Freon is a very talented skier and climber whose accomplishments include guiding both Iceland and Greenland ice cap crossings.  However, he is much better known for being a bottomless pit of hilarious jokes and impersonations that go on as long as you can still stand from laughter.


a.k.a "Gaddi" is one of Iceland's finest multi adventure guides, having started his career at a very early age. ACMG Certified Ski Guide and graduate of the Thompson Rivers University Adventure Guide Program he has specialized in expedition logistics and sea kayak guiding in the wilds of Greenland among other things. With a strong background in skiing, avalanche training and many years of guiding in the mountains of the Troll Peninsula, Gaddi's calm and friendly demeanor will make him an instant friend of everyone he leads through the mountains.


Our Swiss machine Paul is a member of the Swiss Mountain Guides Association SBV and an IFMGA Certified Mountain Guide. An all around high performance mountain athlete Paul is your man if you are looking to climb the high peaks of Switzerland. The Eiger and Matterhorn are practically in his backyard. When not high up in the Alps, Paul can be found heli ski guiding in Iceland or spending quality time with his family in their amazing Berghutte high in the mountains of Uri.


Born and raised in the West Fjords of Iceland, Örvar practically grew up in the mountains and on skis. As one of the countries finest youth Nordic ski racers, his destiny seems to have been to spend winters on snow and summers on rock. Despite his young age Örvar is an ACMG Certified Ski Guide and has his sights on completing the full IFMGA Certification. Well known for his infectious laughter and countless terrible jokes, there is never a dull moment with this gentle giant around.

Anna Dóra
Anna Dóra

Anna Dóra is the mother of Jökull Bergmann and the de facto boss of bosses at Klængshóll Lodge where she was born and raised on her parents sheep farm. Anna Dóra will lead you through your morning yoga stretch class and be happy to recount tales of growing up right here on the farm, so don't miss out on the chance of striking up a conversation. Anna Dóra has worked in the tourism sector in Iceland for around 40 years but also traveled the world extensively before returning to her roots on the Troll Peninsula. Her deep love of nature and being in the mountains is only surpassed by her attention to her three grandchildren and heirs to the family farm.


Our Klængshóll Lodge resident Chef and veritable bonne vivant, Heimir will have your heart through your stomach on day one. Serving one mouthwatering feast after another he will introduce you to the delicacies of the Icelandic cuisine. There is never a dull moment in the kitchen with Heimir around and no wonder when you discover his past life as a TV celebrity chef in Bolivia back in the day! A father of three hailing from our capital city of Reykjavik Heimir is also the captain of our Berserker Club, the Arctic Heli Skiing sub zero swim team which he will surely introduce you to.


This inseparable dynamic duo from Dalvik is responsible for providing our guests at Hjalteyri Hotel and Karlsá Lodge with their fine culinary skills. Renowned in the region by foodies, they love nothing more than treating your taste buds to one feast after another. In the off season Gréta manages the local cultural center and Júlli is responsible for the Great Fish day. This is Iceland's largest annual town festival, held every August in our village of Dalvik where over 30,000 people show up for a weekend of celebrating the heritage and culture of our fishermen forefathers, but most importantly to eat lot's of fish.